Support OSB's Performing Artists Fund

Make a gift in honor of your favorite artist for Giving Tuesday

Support OSB's Performing Artists Fund image


raised towards $5,000 goal




Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Make a gift in honor of your favorite artist for Giving Tuesday

Let's Keep Performing Artists Working!

OSB's Performing Artists Fund was established to keep artists working. We're supporting local and regional artists of all musical genres because they would do the same for us. Gifts to this fund go directly to paying artists fees for their community performances this spring and beyond.

From April 1 through July 31, an estimated 2.7 million creative Americans were fired and more than $150 billion in sales of goods and services for creative industries nationwide evaporated, including one-third of Opera SB's season and dozens of hours of free community concerts. Ongoing losses through the fall are still being calculated on a national and local level, although some of our artists are beginning to return to work thanks to you.

Through Operation Eurydice, our revised mission during Covid, Opera SB made a pledge to continue to support performing artists whether we returned to theaters or not. We honored their contracts when performances were cancelled, we commissioned new online performances and paid artist fees to stream previous productions, and we're continuing to hire them for performances online and live when permitted.

On Giving Tuesday and beyond, please join us in supporting the artists who inspire and motivate us every day.

Chrisman Studio artists Matthew Greenblatt and Brooklyn Snow performing earlier this fall from Opera SB's State Street balcony.